emGhazaal ;P ?
ok ;p soo being gurls.. (strong, trained girls:P) w being bil khaleej el 3araby.. lama ni6la3 LAZEM a7ad igi6 kilmaa:P or "eghazil" in their own unique way;p.. mo 3an shay bs tara yabeelha mawaheb w creativity !!! their lines mat3oob 3alaihom ;P.. here are some "interesting" ta3leeqat 7ashatna:Pfee the traditional:
a7la wa7da om jooty a7mar -> wela wa7da fena labsa jooty a7mar !! bs we end up looking at our shoes mithil ilkhiblan;p
the typical:
momkin nit3araf?-> ee digeega bs as'al oboy wared 3alaik.. im sure bera7eb feek :P
awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiLLLyyy ! -> 3alaik w 3ala ahlik;p
aih dah ? 'amar fil sob7 w shams filail -> shasawe ya raby ;p nooor ishi3 min 3yony :P
intay mnaiin ya bnaya kha6aftay galbe mn eeedaya-> safga ! :P
iss isssssss isalamo 3alaiko! -> 7akeem la jamaheer 3abr el be7ar:P
ma hathaa.. 7aqeeeebatik kabeera.. haya bena ela yathreb! -> so this is how u invite ppl :P?
YAAAAA sob7an man khalaq hatha el jamal -> ya36ek alf 3afya.. now go away;p
inzain w ma titshaghiboon etha intay mishta6a w yaybaa il yihda ga3ed etg0oleen salfaa w ba3dain wa7id min MADRE WAIN faja'a ig0ol "chathaba".. chathabaaa??? taby ashooo7ik ib joootiyey ? jad jad ib kha6rek?
or etha intay MISHTAAAAA66AA bil sayaraaa w yaybaa il yihdaa w um mid3ab mishta6a ma3aCh w wa7id waraha madre shesawe w e'asher w eshaaGhib ! kil ma rifa3t sib3ee qaladnee? again asho7a ib jootiyey ?
The winner of the most uniQue Ramathan Line is :
aaaaaaaaaaaKH yal fi6oor el shahy ! :P -> mo anteeka:P ? mayabeeela safga :P?
ta7iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaty ;*
ps. KHamacheeer w KHalajeeeen update:
*noomty ma3foosa in a wierd way.. i sleep il sib7 w belail w between classes w 3amat 3ain
*almost settled... el3an khayerhom shkither ya36oon reading !!!
*aby asawe manicure and pedicure:P
*qazooonnnyyy ebra w eedy warmaa itkhare3
*KIL ily ib hal deeera 3asageeel.. gomt a7tar:P
* WISALT SIZE SMALL SHIRTS !! -does the victory dance- 3ashaaw 3ashaaww.. shalaaw 7a6aaww... waraa waraaa :P
*um-mid3ab sayra QUEEN BLACKOUT!
*1600 situps BAYBE !!! :P
Kuwaiti dialect checker
ilkhiblan = likhbal
ana akthar ta3leeq tha7akniii, wa7id yigoolee "nancy XL" LOL malat 3leih =\
mother courage: LOOOL 7ilwa nanCY XL!;P
filmgirl: 7abitiCh el 3afya:P! weeh ya bakhatna ib nin7a6 ib ur list ! :P and YES! mat7iseen 3omrech qima bil habal wentay looking for red shoes:P?
bas hatha eli wuho 6ayf ygool "chathaabaa"...LOL
bo 9ali7: E7EEEEEEERRR !! walaa widy asho7a ib jotiyeey :P
lol akher merra wa7ed sawwa il "chathaba" thingy kan mestee7ii ;p noo3 galha wuhwa imnazel rasa w in7ash ;p
LOOOL, mabrook 3al sit-ups!! tabeen a36eech pick-up line san3 min wa7ed masryy?
" ana akhod om lazra' (azrag) wil tanya yakhod'haa Rabina"..
(btw mo ana ilee kint labsa azrag) ibthimitich mo mal 6ag? :P
The most hilarious pick-up line i got was: abee3 banak 3ashanitch!
waay la2 a3gad min chithi plz!!
as for the size small... way to go gurl!
-> yala, it's encouragement for me :) [i'm dieting of course!] and yeah I live in stick-ville too!
LOOOOOOL !!!!!!!!!! aren't guys funny ? :P 5faf 6ena w etha7kun .. w HAM ma ta36oonhum waih misaken ! :P
about il nooma join the club :P
w mabrook 3alla il small ;)
prinseesa: mal 6raaaG e3adel ashabeeha wentay il saja:P
cixousian panic: LOOOOOOOL!!! e3jibatnee abee3 banak 3ashaniCH;p tath7iya smela 3alaih and.. i7m i7m :$ thank you thank you :P elfaaal liljamee3:P
bin3agul: khfaf 6eenaaa makhtalafna:P bs shinsawee thigil w rizana allah e7afethna :P and allah ebarek feeek !!
خف طينة
انا مو محذرتكم كتبوا بالعربي وبالوان قامجة
خافو علينا حرام
بس اموضوع فلة
لازم اعصر مخي وادق على جمن وحدة يذكروني بالتعليقات اللي مرت عينا حايشني زهايمر ام سلوم واللا من الصيام؟؟ّّ!!!
بس التعليق لازم يفوز مال الجوتي الحمر
LOL! "awal marrah ashooof hummer eb tayrain!" <-- shall we consider this? 7AB6AW AKTHAR!
p.s. Nancy XL ana hummer eb tayraaaaaaayn..laytheeg khilgich:P
ebrooo7i madaaany hummer hal marra eb tayraain..walla etsadgoon yemken amla7?:P
LOL haya bina ila yathreb was so god damn funny!
I've never gotten funny creative lines, all I get are really disgusting perverted moans and gestures :<
albandry: dagdigaay 3alaihom w 3a6eeeny khabar sheno their ta3leeqat:P their really interesting ! :P
Shakshaka: hummer ib tayrain !! min sijaa:P u shouldve tried my "asho7a ib jooty" concept;p
adorra: we ALL get the weird looks :P bs yaa the yathreb guys kanaw magharbaa 3ayazt wana atkarkar :P
LooooooooooooooL!! shabab el q8 sarsareya wallah o khosh ga6at btw :P
Tara ra7 nmten in Ramadan! ana gelt yemken ath3af ;) watch out :P
LOOOOOL@ shakaka !!
waii i3asiiir hal ademi ..
chan gelteela awal marra ashooF "poupshie" above the shoulders ;p
zizotime :
weeh istaniiis 3adi .. 3adi birmithan kilshai mabroooK ;p 7wta ilwazin ilzayed ;p
tinkerbell: the zibda part KHIF 6EEENA!! :P w the shiftay wayhech again i advice the "asho7 joty" policy :P
entay ahwan mn refeejti, mar yamha wa7id yigoolaha "mita ilmusara3ah?"
lool hal 3ayyar , lu ma 3ajba "hal wayh" w mitkokiss 3leih chan ma 6arad wraach ;p
elle wanasa sij , the girl who was jogging at tha7iyah side walk and everyone who passes by say "ghazal w ma yiseedonah" =D
um-mit3ib and um-mid3aab, beat that ;-p
lol tha7aChni el post wallah
nice one hehe
looooooooooooooooooool those are hilarious.. i have some better pick up lines that you might like.. but i wont reveal them, coz these actually DO work! ;p
mother courage: i cant beat that:P
zalabya: ritha'okom howa hadafona.. comment al'an ! :P
deemthewhitehorse: ba3ad chabde wala:P ur nice :P
dr.lost: TELL US !! :p Khan nit'thaqaf:P
yazeeeein hal tha7CHa walla ;p
eee walla chan zein kil il awadim mithelha ;*
LOL hit us with sOme pwease ;p
yea unfortunately .. i dunt think we can beat that ;p7salna other flattering comments bs manathkir shnew ;/ LOL
LOOOL! "chathaba chathaba!" la ana the line i got ili mani gadra ansa ohwa "intay fe shay ib jesmich 3ajebni" LOOOL! 9ara7a '3ashaaait! asartni ya3ne!
anon: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! ana kila fee shay ib jismy 3ajebhom;p bs qilat adab ohma;p
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